Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Salon politics

I want to be a voice for ALL frustrated hairstylist out there. Working hard, hardly making a living, but enduring because we luv standing behind that chair!! SPEAK UP and out!! Are you frustrated and mad??!! SPEAK, let it out!! Why can't these salon owners get this right!!! Everyone's an EFFN know it all!!! I TOLD YOU, IF YOU NEVER STOOD BEHIND THAT CHAIR YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND OR GET IT!!! JUST SHUT IT!!! Something needs to be redirected here, I can't grasp it on my own. Someone other than me has to get where I'm coming from. Or are you all the stigma of "the dumb hairdresser?"
Our clients come in and vent to us, which is all good, this is what I sooo enjoy about the business. People just need someone, they need to feel loved. Us hairdressers give that, that's our brand of magic. But who's our voice? Who's hearing our voices when we want to vent and are frustrated??? There's ALOT OF US OUT THERE FRUSTRATED AND NOT HAPPY!!! If little me could help or reinvent this I would. Think bout it!!!

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