Friday, April 26, 2013


Yes we doooo, in today's society with soo many options it's just down right hard to have a relationship!! Lets talk bout how stupid I was in my last relationship.
I'm telling my story because if I can help at least one person figure it out well then all is good, but I was soooo blind and dumb in my last relationship!! But what's that old saying, " luv is blind" and in my case I was as blind as Andrea Bocceli and as dumb as any blonde gets accused of!!
Like I said the story starts with my divorce. I got involved with someone that wanted to be with someone else soon after meeting her. He did break up with me numerous times, why because she was hiding in the shadows and pulling at his dick causing him confusion and most men are governed by their head between their legs. But if he had really luved me and "the connection" was with me she could have never stolled him away. So that's what I want to teach. I should have left this moron the night he blew me off from our dinner date to be with her. That was the night I would live the rest of the relationship with secrets and lies. Basically I was used because he is one of those guys that can never be alone. Always traveling from relationship to relationship. Always needing a mommy or a purse. Not thinking about who's getting hurt here and it certainly wasn't him. The minute she was available I was gone. They are still together today. I wonder how they live with each other, knowing they cheated on their significant others to be together. I would live in constant fear if you could do it to someone else you could do it to me. What if she finds something better than him??? Oohhh, he must live in a horrible world. Doing everything to keep his conquest, must be consuming his whole world!! He really did me a favor. They soo deserve each other.
I was never before a victim of cheating or narcissism. I will never be a victim again!! I will always walk and rather be alone than to be mistreated!!! I would hope we all keep the blinders off and do the same. Such a fine example for his own children. He even degraded my parenting!!! REALLY, REALLY!!! To leave me for a women that NEVER had children??!! Can't relate to even what it's like??!! People are too much!! I'm sooo glad this man lives IN such a perfect world and all he does is perfect. One day karma will come to the door. Ah, what he doesn't see is, it already has if he takes a look back at his life!!! I am no ones fool, and FOOL WILL NEVER BE MY NAME AGAIN!!!!


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