Friday, October 10, 2014


My move to Pittsburgh started out with high hopes
I moved here because I'm adventuresome and was dating a guy at the time
That lived here and works for the secret service
He asked me to move in with him and I said 
Can you move to New York
He said, No
So I thought oh what the Hell....
Let's see what's The Burgh is like

I was born and raised 30 minutes north of Philadelphia 
How different could Pittsburgh really be......
Let me tell you!!!
It's very different than living on the east coast!!

First, the cheesesteaks suck here
I'm sorry but nowhere outside of Philly are the cheesesteaks any good
Let's talk Hot dogs
I luv Hot Dogs
Yes, I'm sorry to say I do!
Hot Dogs in New York suck as well

They fry EVERYTHING here in the Burgh
I think they would fry a car if they could
Menu selection in this town is not to my liking
There is nooo shrimp cocktail on any menu selection!!!
Could it be the simple reason we are sooo far away from an Ocean?!

Something's Pittsburgh is noted for......

With all these prestigious universities here
There is no shortage for good looking well educated men
Just like Manhattan the University system here is something to brag about
And so are its single men
I have a friend that's a professor at one of the universities here and he's just a vast glass of interesting knowledge 

Pittsburgh has great theater, Yes, can you believe it

Pittsburgh people luv their animals
Like the Upper East Side of Manhattan these people love their pets
Businesses not being as dog friendly as they are in New York
I would be happy if I could take my dog for a quiet evening dinner somewhere

I think the most schocking to me is how loyal they are to the sports teams here!!
Listen, I'm coming from New York Yankee country
There is nooo greater fan than a Yankee fan
But WAIT!!!!
There is.....
And it comes in outfits of Black and Gold
Even on days there are noooo home games
These people are Steelers, Pirates, Penquin proud
Wearing there gear even to church!!!!
Good Lord!

Am I really happy here
I can honestly say I'm not
New York is the love of my heart
I miss the culture, diversity & the energy that magical city exhumes

Some of these people here in The Burgh are complete Hillbilly's
I just can't do Hillbilly
I just can't 
There's a twang in their speaking
Those that are just High School educated seem to have never adventured away from the Burgh
And are sooo closed minded
Like some of my High School aquantences 
When you never leave your hometown it's hard to think outside of your box

I have a luv hate relationship with Pittsburgh
I'm giving it to the new year then I will reevaluate my living situation

I have a big milestone for my birthday this January
I will be turning 50!
As I start the second half of my life what do I want to fulfill on my bucket list
And where will my life take me
I seriously would love to live in Europe 
Although I speak no foreign language
Could this American girl live in Paris????

As for right now this is no New York, London or Paris
And can I make living in The Burgh bearable ???????


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