Sunday, March 9, 2014


I ran into a high school friend who through their career has been all over the world. 
I made one tiny innocent statement to them about my life after divorce and I felt like I FINALLY found someone who understood me! As I sat there a tear came down my cheek and I felt a huge weight come off me. Was this actually happening?! Someone gets this?! I'm not the only person on the planet that sees the stupidity?! Their words were met with much comfort. The comfort and understanding, validation I've been searching for. These were his words. (I also admire him for being soo smart) 

"Tracy, many people we went to high school with or who grew up with us in our small town area, have never experienced the things, the people the world like we have. So in the latter days of their lives they are looking for excitement and drama. Many of them become egotistical as they gain money, power and prestige. Because they were born and raised poor and feel like now they have finally "arrived" 
   Where as, you and I have experienced this and are no longer seeking this. We had the "arm candy" spouse, we made enough money, we had all the materialistic things. We now know at our age there's more to our lives than "Image" 
   We are bored with this. It's a turn off. You and I Tracy, are looking to feed our souls not our image. Tracy, the cover of your book is beautiful but what's in your heart that really matters anymore. 
And we are able to see right through these facades of people. Knowing their all grasping for the wrong things. Their not cultured, diversified, worldly enough to even comprehend what goes on in our brains. 
   They TRUELY live on another planet.  They don't dream the same dreams we do. 
Their happy not getting out of Emmaus, Macungie. And that's ok, but it's not for us. There's a world out there offering soo much more than their personalities will ever experience. Let them drown in Emmaus Community pool! Let them! 

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