Tuesday, March 18, 2014


When seeking out a good relationship for ourselves we must first recognize the relationship we seek 

Bliss is delightful, but it is seldom a permanent condition

Moments of happiness and joy are to be treasured 

But when they are counterpointed by stretches of despair or heartache or doubt

What sets the bar. 

I know in my own life I let the wrong people infiltrate into my romantic relationships. Out of loneliness or despair.  
I now am keenly aware I have choices and boundaries. 

Lowering my standards has caused much 
Drama, heartache, disappointments. These men will never be no more than rejects in society. Always causing problems. Always in denial, it's them, they will always play the blame game. 

Try to recall those relationships that were 
Most satisfying. Whether it was a close friend or romantic. These less than standard men in my life never had any friends, which should had thrown the "Red Flags" right away. It's not good not to have friends other than your significant other. 

These satisfying, good healthy 
Relationships will help us set the bar & boundaries to outline the parameters of what we need from significant relationships in our lives. 

Don't turn a Blind Eye!

I now can see clearly and "Red Flags" are 
Quickly seen on the service.

I've become acutely independent over the last few years and nothing about me is co-dependent. I don't " need" to be in a relationship to define" me. 

I have plenty of friendships that fill the void of a romantic partnership.

Sometimes I believe my destiny was meant to be alone. Not finding the right man to stimulate my psyche, support my dreams, encourage my adventuresome attitude. 

Most of my romantic life had been wasted on men who just can't live up to my standards. 

As I enter the second half of my life
Can the Universe spin me into the direction 
Of having a TRUELY fulfilling, stimulating life partner. We will see......

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