Sunday, May 19, 2013


I want all of you to realize being a New York City hairdresser is not for the faint hearted. This is the biggest undertaking I've ever experienced in my life. It has also been the most fulfilling. I love a challenge, this is more than that. This is probably eqvilent to training as a professional athlete. Everyday you wake up, do your routine to hone your skills and stay on the cutting edge. I go to two classes a week to get my skills honed. After thirty years one would think my skills are honed.
No way baby, always moving fast and furious.
I am sooo enjoying working for the company I'm with. I wish when I first came to New York I would have come straight to "The Stones" empire. I'm am grateful for all he is teaching me. I have been soo blessed to have been placed here. I'm so blessed with all the doors that are opening. These opportunities would never had been possible if I hadn't left it all behind and came to New York City!!

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