Monday, February 10, 2014


Ok, here we go, in the next few post I'm going to uncover the RAW TRUTH on what I would later be told,  I had just come out of a Narcissistic abusive relationship. I'll never forget the day my clinical psychologist would start to educate me on what had happened. How these hidden "Soul Thieves" work their magic. Come under the radar. It was the new millennium abuse and more and more victims are stepping forward, unlocking their closets, coming out of their homes, exposing these horrid hidden secrets of abuse. It has a name NPD or NARCISSIST PERSONALITY DISORDER 
  It breaks you to your inner core. They make YOU SEEM LIKE YOUR CRAZY!!
YOU ARE NOT!!!! They are the sick ones!
This is a mental disorder. They try to discredit you to anyone who will listen, they will go from being "Madly in love with you" to cheating on you in the matter of a blink of an eye. They will keep score on all your wrongs, you will never do anything right for them, say anything that is right, or wear anything that is right. They have no EMPATHY OR COMPASSION for you. They want full control of your life, keeping you away from friends and family. They want to isolate you from the world. They will verbally, mentally, sexually abuse you. 
  The mental and sexual abuse will come during your most intimate times together were you will be told things like, " No one has ever made love to you like this," No one has done this to you like I have etc.....
    "I wish we could live together on a dessert island just the two of us and all would be wonderful." 
    These are NOT normal healthy thought 
Processes! NO MAN OR WOMEN SHOULD BE FLATTERED IF YOU ARE HEARING THESE SORT OF STATEMENTS. I won't even try to call them compliments.....
There from a very sick individual
   During my therapy I would tell my story
And I had IT DOWN!! Thank the good lord above I always had dreams of being a writer and knew that every great writer kept a journal. During this relationship I would keep a daily journal entry on my life in this horrific life changing relationship. 
   I had it down! Word for word, the horror that would unfold over the next year and a half. The mind-blowing statements, the lies, the manipulation, the abuse. It was all there I had a history of it and my Doctor and I would spend the next three years breaking this apart and analyzing it. 
 I had been sooo beaten down by this monster I felt ashamed, suicidal, worthless, unattractive, defeated, violated!! And my narcissist is nooo Brad Pitt! 
   It would take the two of us to pull apart this story with my journals and break this down and get me on the road to recovery 
And healing. 
  I will fight no more forever, but I will fight for the rest of my life against abuse!!
I was violated down to my God given core!
What happened to me was just WRONG!!
  Now I will stand up and spend the rest of my life dedicated to this form of abuse. It will be MY duty to educate as many as I can on NPD and make sure they get sent for help. You can't tackle this on your own. 
  These sick abuser will continue their abuse in other forms as well, let them!!!
   You know who they are and WHAT they really are!! Don't you dare try to VIOLATE me again!! 
   Now that I'm on the road to recovery I volunteer at wellness centers by giving speeches on what happened to me. 
   I new there was something not right about this relationship. Finally, finally, my story would fall on the right ears in New York City and my new life would begin to drastically change. My recovery and healing would now all fall into place. I was suffering from severe post traumatic stress. I HAD NEVER in my life taken ANY medication,  I was put on depression medicine & anxiety medicine. 
   Ok, here we go a breakdown of information on what a Narcissist is and what can happen to you from being involved with one. 
   Remember, these people take nooo accountability, they will never see themselves as the problem, you will never get a sorry or closure from this head on crash you have experienced, there will be no purgatory you will die and go straight to hell. They will discard you and move on like you NEVER existed. 
   I'm sorry for if you see your life in my story. I'm not going to lie, it's going to take along time with the right help to get through this. But if you want to contact me in private please do so. I'm here to offer as much advice as I can give. I pray for your 

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