From high school. He has a very prestigious job and I wanted my son to meet a man of Great character and a good mentor. Since he's never encountered any.
We would meet my friend out for dinner
At a place we all like to go in my hometown. It's a place a lot of us from High School run into each other. My friend would tell my son all about his awesome job! My son was sooo interested, we had a lovely time. My son enjoyed his company and can't wait to meet up with him again.
My friend knew something's about my narcissist relationship and he new the abuser personally. We had spoken of what I had gone through and I keep him posted on my recovery. He's quite aware of what my life after divorce has been like and is sad that because of this relationship I'm terrified to get involved with anyone. He keeps telling me, "He's won if you continue this" I told him, it has nothing to do with him winning, my whole out look on life and love has been altered. I'm just not ready. I go out on dates, but my heart is as cold as ice. I feel nothing, and I've met some really great men in the city! My hearts beating, I hear it, feel it, but I have no feelings for anyone. I know from therapy this is from the "Trauma" I experienced. I have post traumatic stress syndrome and that's normal after the severe abusive narcissistic relationship.
My friend does well with me, he always has my back and has much empathy and compassion for what I went through. He's VERY intelligent so he gets it.
I excused my self to refresh my hair and lip gloss. While I was away my friend would question my son about my narcissist relationship....
My son responded by simply saying, he treated her like shit, he treated us like shit
He cheated on her, he never showed an interest in us, her friends or family. Her Aunt passed away and her Grandmother past away during their time together and this jerk-off never got her a card, flowers
Or acknowledged any of it.
My son would reveal that he said all this on the ride home. "Mom, he asked because he said he had heard something's that were said and wanted to know if they were true."
I asked my son what my friends responds was, "Mom, he said you are a wonderful, beautiful girl and was very upset to hear that I was sooo mistreated, he also said, he was always an ass#%$&"
My friend is a great guy and like me he is also divorced. We are just good friends and always were. We had a lot of classes together in high school and had gone to the same college for awhile. Before I was to become what MY true calling was I was a bit confused and thought I wanted to be a school teacher.
It's nice having sons, they protect me from evil men.
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