I wish there were words for the pain I felt
For the cracks that have torn me apart
For the heartache that engulfs my soul
Your evil has damaged me
I will not let you destroy me
You are not worth my tears I cry from missing you. The tears I hide from everyone, from behind my sun glasses.
Sometimes the tears are not hidden and I just cry, they fall into the palms of my hands that so often catch them. As I cry every night as the sunsets in Central Park, as it travels down the avenues of the city. I cry for you.
You are not worth the thoughts that scatter through my mind during the early morning hours as I lie awake in bed where you use to lay
You are not worth the breaths that are exhausted speaking of your unspeakable acts
As each day passes I long to forget you,
The lies that escaped your lips. The words that crushed me so savagely.
Your deluded smile that helped flourish my unrestricted love
Your a monster
Devoid from emotions
Unable to feel remorse
Cold & callous
Broken, shattered, beaten inside
I long to forget who you are and what you did
I long for the anger to seep out of my pores and down into the depths of the forgotten
I long to heal
No more put downs
No more being belittled
No more being degraded
No more making me feel like I'm not good enough
The tables are now turned, you are not good enough for me!!
I will now live the life I want
Become the person I was destined to be before your hijacked attempt interrupted
My piece and tranquility
I know you won't be able to process this
But now it's in writing
Don't even try to reference it because you'll never see it for what it is, the truth.
You being a narc will never see or get it.
Maybe take it to a counselor, which I know you will never do. Go ahead take it to someone who understands human relational dynamics, they might be able to explain it to you if you get really curious.
But I know that will never happen because I got blamed for everything!!
Ta Ta I thankfully have the rest of my life to rebuild. I know your destroying someone else's life as we speak. She will wake up one day when she sees it for what it is ABUSE, clean and pure narcissists abuse.
Gotta go plane just landed, I'm in my happy place, free!! And away from your danger!
(Narc post)
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