Monday, June 24, 2013


Lets discuss this idea as it pertains to
Dating or marriages.
Micro-managed, mmhh
I don't and will never micro-manage anyone's life.
I feel you are all capable of your own free will and thoughts.
TRUELY, unless you are a complete idiot and need your other half to think for you????
My sister-in law said her father was
Micro-managed by her evil step mother
Step mommy never worked a day in her life and from the time they were together she was "in charge" of everything!!! Including the money which was sooo not hers?? Mmhh
Christmas would come and go and his children never got anything. But for sure there was plenty of gifts for her children!!
Who lets this happen to their own children??!!!
You men are such a bunch of pussy's
Do you like having your women be your mommy and your lover???
I'm not anyone's mother other than the two precious things I gave birth to!!
I'm a friend, a lover, a mover and a shaker!
And if you can't handle my heat!!
Then stay the hell out of my kitchen !!!
Keep it moving loser!!! Ciao

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