Sunday, April 13, 2014


Low self-esteem and not feeling "Good"
Enough about yourself can manifest in your behavior.

Those of you whom were raised poor or not as wealthy as other families might grow up to exhume

Snotty attitude 
Acting pretentious 
Exhuming you are better than everyone else

When in all reality 
Your dying inside 

Dying from not feeling "Good" enough!

So you buy the "Best" cars
You marry or date someone who "YOU" feel can boost your popularity in your community
You live in the "Right" neighborhood

When studied and analyzed
Most people born into money or had enough while growing up seem to not have these issues
They don't have to "Prove" to the world
Their better than anyone else

Have an EPIPHANY if you can
And take a look at what YOU exhume to 
The world 
Bring your nose out of the clouds
Pull that stick out your a*****
Just get over yourself
We're not interested in your BMW
We don't care!
Your low self-esteem makes you obsessed with your "Image" 
We are getting too old and wise
Looks fade
Roses die
Chocolate melts 
Having a GOOD CHARACTER at this age is most important
When you die no one is going to remember you by if you had the most beautiful wife, expensive car or biggest house!
Your wife is going to age and her beauty will fade
Your BMW will eventually become worn and old 
And that big beautiful house will become out dated
Now where's your self-esteem going to be
Your wife is UGLEY
Your car died
And that house you were sooo damn proud of is outdated?????
Wutcha gonna do
Oh my!

The best thing we all would like to see you 
Just be yourself
Invest some money and time in YOURSELF
Get counseling, fix your feelings of inadequencey   
DO IT!!!!

It might change your life

Your annoying us
With your "Look at what I have attitude"

We're all unto you.....

We see you hiding behind that low self-esteem you really have from your childhood 

Invest in your healing

It just might Rock your world

It did mine!

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