Thursday, March 13, 2014


When death strikes suddenly the heart and head can shut down for a time, and even when you think you're past it, 
There are aftershocks 
Along time ago I lead a normal housewife life. Like most of us do in America. I owned a beautiful home, I owned a business and my x-husband and I were fun parents. During this part of my life our boys played a lot of sports. It was a viscous cycle of football, baseball, basketball. During this time I would be blessed to meet an angel! Yes, I met a mom who was a great example of what it was to be a loving, caring, had it all together mom. I would be soo lucky to have a legacy this pretty girl would leave behind. 
   Yesterday she was taken from us. I had not seen her in years because my life took me in new directions. But I always remembered her kindness. So young, children left to try to grasp this horror. 
  Sudden death is more than one can bare.
You weren't expecting it. She was too young, too healthy, too alive--- your world now completely changed when they passed. 
   People aren't suppose to die when their young. There's something just wrong being cut short in the "prime of life" 
But suddenly there gone. I just experienced this with my own fathers passing 2 months ago. 
  Any loss is a tragedy, whether expected or not. We ride a range of emotions, deliberating sorrow, energizing anger, gnawing guilt etc.....
   Sudden death isn't easy to comprehend 
It's a bucking bronco! 
This trauma of a sudden loss can bury itself deep within our psyche. 
  There's no closure

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