Wednesday, August 28, 2013


You know how I travel
Between these 2 different worlds
That of suburbia America
And New York City

I'm an analyzer
Critiquing ya'll

I find it fascinating 
How people 
Especially women 
Especially middle aged women
And senior citizen women

So dowdy
It's like a world of clones 
I would image 
They all buy there outfits at kohls
That's why they all look alike 
It's hateful!!

Now lets talk about their hair
Lets just say
If their clothing is bad
Their hair doesn't get any better

Most of your gals my age are 
Trying to fit into style
With disastrous results
They see their teenage daughters
All wearing long hair
Certain outfits
And they try to retain that 
One last chance
Before they turn 50
To stay youthful 
Some of you can pull it off
Please, just give it up
You have to look young
To be able to pull it of

And, girl, if your sporting
That "in bread" look
Don't even try anything

That "in breed" look
Is when your whole look
Your face, eyes, body
Just has a strange look to it
Your ancestors mated with 
The wrong people
Then you end up with 
Big noses, weird eyes, strange body's 

You don't exhume that sophisticated 
Image that 
Oh yes, I have!!
I get told that ALL the time
"You have a very classy look to you"
Of coarse I respond
My family DNA is that of good stock
Not of interbreeding with country trash

Lets get back to the senior girls
Their driving me crazy right now!
Is it my fate to wear a butch haircut
Kohls clothing and have about 100lbs
Extra on me in my 60's!!!!!

I'll starve myself!!!
When I'm in my 60's
I want to be golfing all day
Or relaxing at my Bed & Breakfast
I own somewhere 
Maybe still doing some hair

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