Sunday, July 7, 2013


Do any of you have a friend that could careless what's going on in your life?
It's just ALL about them. As long as the conversation is flowing around their lifestyle,
their beliefs, their whole being on this planet they could care less what's going on in your
world, and dare you at all try to let your friend hear the latest they just shut you down and turn you off! That's exactly what happened to me. I think the exact words were, " We heard this already and we really don't care! There will be noo more talking of this the rest of the day."
    OH! well excuse me, but I thought friendship was about a give take relationship? I care about your baggage you care about mine?
    I think this friendship has ran it's coarse. The toxic conversations are sooo done. These closed minded ninnies can blow it
 out their you know what!!!!

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