Wednesday, January 29, 2014


As you all know, I'm an advocate against abuse. After spending years with men that 
Were the true definitions of a NARCSSIST 
I belong to a support group that a friend who is a professional psychiatrist, she runs a wellness center. 
   She asked me to present a speech for her support group on narcissism. Knowing I had first hand real life experience with this. This was my speech.....

  I spent one year with a NARCISSIST.  In that year I thought I was building a close, loving relationship with another adult who 
Shared the same life experiences as me. We were both newly divorced, trying to find our way in our new lives. We both had teenage children and trying to navigate that end to make sure the kids felt loved, secure and were as happy, as any kid could try to be when they lose their family 
Unit. We both had gone to high school together and had the same lifetime friends. A lot of my girlfriends had married his high school friends. 
   None of these life similarities would matter to my narcissist. In that year I would live a lie. There would be absolutely 
No bonding with me at all. To wake up and realize the person you've been spending day after day, night after night with had no emotional attachment to me, left me in  a state of complete trauma. How could this be, I would ask myself over and over again. We aren't teenagers! 
   The new target was already picked out and waiting on my discard. I would be told, " Go on with your life I'm never coming back." At the time I was crushed beyond anything I had ever experienced before. How could someone that I had spent sooo much time with walk away so easily. 
  Left in complete bewilderment I would seek out help. And I'm glad that I did. I would learn through my help that I had encountered a narcissist and the trauma I was now living was that of being abused so silently for so long. The verbal, mental and sexual abuse I had encountered with this unhealthy person would take me awhile to get over. When your violated at a "Soul" core level it's not something that you get over in a few months. It's been 3 years and I'm now first able to come to terms with what happened to me. 
   I was violated by a complete narcissist.
Now years later, I realize I was given the GREATEST gift of all!
   Now I am able to laugh and say, "Please tell me what I did to make you get out of my life and stop communicating with me?!
So I can keep doing it!" 
   Narc free for 3 years. He's now someone else's problem!
  I'm free, free at last ! Xoxo
I got a standing ovation !!! :))))

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