Monday, June 24, 2013


Just read an article on razor/scissor
Cutting. Mmhh, which do you prefer?
I'm an old school hairstylist, I cut very
Vidal Sassonish, solid lines, precision.
I had a Asian client in my chair the other day she said the last time she had her haircut she tried going to a salon that just mastered in "Asian" hair. She said she wasn't impressed. Interesting?!!
When I analyzed the cut, it was heavily
Texturized or most likely razored. Probably razor trained "Nick Arrojo" style
Anyway, I explained to her that I've been doing hair 26yrs and give a very precision cut. Upon analyzation of the
Texture of the hair then I decide if it gets anything funky added into it.
The younger generation want to point cut and texturize anything moving!!
Just ridiculous!!!
Well guess what kids, a lot of clients don't need it and DON'T LIKE IT!!!
Think before you butcher....
Enjoy your day behind your chair
You arrogant smart asses who think you never make a mistake!!!!
Ya right, I've seen you f.... Up

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